Gee started his career in software design, more specifically DevOps. He has now come to support DevOps as a Specialized SE for his organization. This episode we will talk about that, how he works with Account SEs, and selling in the pandemic age.
Gee has always been interested in cloud technology and in DevOps. He used that to fuel his learning and get to a role that suites him, his skills, and his interests. This show is jam-packed with a lot of info.
What is a Generalist compared to a Specialist? What the relationship between the Generalist and Specialist looks like
How Gee got to be a specialist and what drew him to be a specialist
What the organization structure looks like for the specialist team, and what gets compensated on.
What is DevOps?
The different titles of Sales Engineers, and why we should not use the term engineering.
How Gee prioritizes time. The customer comes first – even for specialists.
Digital selling in this day and age. Turning on the camera, having a schedule
How do you know we are doing the right things as SEs- The SE Knowledge Cycle.
Not So Fire Round:
1- What do you love about your role:
Helping people
2- What’s one thing you would change about your job?
Meeting people physically.
3- What are some resources for Sales Engineers?
We The Sales Engineers
4- What separates great SEs from the ok ones?
Being helpful, self-awareness, being able to adapt and learn.
Links from this show:
Gee’s info: