Have you ever thought about how sales engineering can be a way for you to live a full life? If yes, then this podcast episode is for you.
Recently, I was interviewed by Chris Bussing’s podcast about success in tech sales and the pursuit of personal development. Chris is a senior account executive at Bespin Global US, a tech-sales company based in Austin, Texas, who also teaches and coaches salespeople.
Our conversation led to an hour-and-a-half-long discussion about what it takes to break into sales engineering, how to succeed in the role, and how to use it to pursue a full life.
Key Takeaways:
- The journey that led me to sales engineering
- How I started the podcast We the Sales Engineers
- How the podcast shaped me
- The power of salespeople who are introverts
- How introverts and extroverts complement each other in sales
- Why expecting perfection in sales engineering is ridiculous
- Who are Sales Engineers, and what do they do
- The question you need to ask a potential client on your first call
- The compensation structure and expected salary for Sales Engineers
- Getting a sales engineering job without certification or experience
- The nuances of getting in and working at Google
- How to identify the right companies to apply at
- The importance of building your network
- My sales engineering coaching practice
- How to bounce back from not getting a job
- Why would someone choose sales engineering over sales
- Why rejections are actually blessings in disguise
- How shadowing helps with sales
- How to use my “tell, show, ask” strategy
- Skills Sales Engineers must develop
- How to incorporate storytelling in demos
- The interview process for Sales Engineers
- Why you shouldn’t give a salary range during an interview and what to do instead
- Why treat job interviews as discovery calls
- How to answer questions you don’t know the answer to in a job interview
- Navigating the job application process without a bachelor’s degree
- The importance of building a beautiful relationship between salespeople and Sales Engineers
- How to avoid and deal with burnout
- What it means to live the good life
If you want to do any job, whether it’s engineering or anything, communicating and working with people is important — Ramzi Marjaba
Before putting myself out there, I was always afraid of doing things. I was always afraid of making mistakes. And as soon as I started podcasting, all I did was mistakes. — Ramzi Marjaba
It is so true and funny how our greatest strengths also come with imperfections. — Chris Bussing
There is no way you’re gonna come into a cold call and have the perfect thing to say, and they’re just gonna say yes, okay, great. You’re always gonna meet resistance. You’re gonna have awkward moments. — Chris Bussing
The best question that I usually start a call with is, ” Why did you even want to see us?” — Ramzi Marjaba
It’s much easier to teach technology than it is to teach human skills. — Ramzi Marjaba
The best way to get a job is through a referral. — Ramzi Marjaba
If someone’s trying to break into sales engineering and they don’t have what they consider technical skills, my advice to them would be to open their computer right now, just go hit the start button, and look at all the different software that they use. — Ramzi Marjaba
Building your network is number one; all opportunities are tied to people. — Chris Bussing
The resumes don’t get you jobs; people do… meet as many people as possible and get on calls with them. When you find yourself overwhelmed and don’t have more time for calls… you can just niche down… and you can target whoever you want. — Ramzi Marjaba
I think there’s no failure, just learning unless you don’t take action. — Chris Bussing
I cannot control, and you cannot control whether or not you get the job in the next interview or the next month. But you can control your own actions. You can control your own feelings, and you can just keep going forward and improving every single time. — Ramzi Marjaba
I’m a believer that things happen for a reason. What happens to me today is to prepare me for what’s going to happen tomorrow. And I can either crumble, or I can just keep going. — Ramzi Marjaba
The more you’re rejected, the longer it takes to succeed, the greater opportunity for joy. Literally, you could cry tears of joy when you do succeed, a greater appreciation for the opportunity. — Chris Bussing
Looking for a job is a sales job. You need to have a big funnel. If you get rejected, you just move on to the next one. So for every rejection, you’re just closer to the closer to the Yes. — Ramzi Marjaba
An objection is just an excuse to learn more about the customer. — Ramzi Marjaba
When you’re an SE and salesperson, you should have the same goal, which is helping the customer. And that’s what you need to highlight in an interview. Have stories of how you’ve helped, how you’ve handled tough situations, how you’ve been there for someone who needed you. — Ramzi Marjaba
One of the greatest things that we have to do as Sales Engineers is leverage other people; if someone’s offering help, take it. — Ramzi Marjaba
What I think from a sales perspective, in terms of bonding and rapport, is really show thoughtfulness that you did your homework on the individual. — Chris Bussing
If you’re not going to try hard to get a job that will change your life, are you going to try hard to sell a product that you didn’t make? — Ramzi Marjaba
What’s your why? I mean, what’s your purpose sounds so grandiose, but you can you certainly if you take the time to think and reflect like, you can find something to carry you and that purpose will evolve. — Chris Bussing
Links from the show:
- Subscribe to Chris Bussing’s YoutTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@chris.bussing
- Connect with Chris Bussing on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisbussing/
- Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss: https://www.amazon.com/Never-Split-Difference-Negotiating-Depended/dp/0062407805
- Demonstrating to Win by Robert Riefstahl: https://www.amazon.com/Demonstrating-Win-Indispensable-Complex-Products/dp/0615477097
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