4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Invest in The Company You Keep

By Bini Kanungo

4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote 


Hey everyone. With another week comes another podcast as well as another 4/1/1.  This week’s podcast was a throwback of sorts, where Ramzi took to the mic and shared 8 great questions you should ask yourself when building out your resume.

Listen to Ramzi’s Tips Here.

This week’s 4/1/1 takes some ideas from resume building, as well as some ideas from some current events happening this week, specifically, the US Election. Up in Canada, we can’t help but be invested in what happens to our neighbors to the South, and while We The Sales Engineers is far from political, there are some thoughts that have some relevance whether it be in a political or professional context.

4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- Dare to be different.  You’ll end up hearing about this a bit more in a future show (within the context of resumes), but breaking the mold to differentiate yourself from those around you will help you rise to where you want to be faster than if you blend in with the crowd.
2- You are the company you keep.  This has been said in so many ways, like energies attract, birds of a feather flock together, and there are likely others too, but it is very true.  Surround yourself with people that you look up to, but also, don’t put up your blinders to people outside of your “circle”.  You may find that you have a lot to learn from someone that holds different views and interests from you, and you might have a lot in common still!
3- We’re all in this together.  You’ve probably heard this a lot as communities shut down due to Covid-19, but it’s true in general as well.  Whether it be your organization, your club, your family, your community, or anything, it’s really important that no matter how things go, we’ll all persevere together.
4- Reach out to people.  I had a conversation with a colleague today that I wish took place more often, and the only reason it hasn’t is because I haven’t reached out to them.  Being stuck at home makes it so easy to forget about how everyone else is stuck at home too, reaching out to people to catch up and rekindle that human connection will do wonders for your personal and professional life (possibly, at least in my experience it has).

1 Tool:

Resume – Building a resume from scratch can be a daunting task.  Resume.com is a free tool to help you build out your resume with all sorts of pointers to make sure you present your best self to companies you’re interested in.


1 Quote:

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”

– Coretta Scott King


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