4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Leading Defaultly, Making Quick Decisions, And Asking Why

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


When was the last time you asked yourself why you’re in a certain position? Did it happen because you wanted it, or were you governed by a certain set of circumstances? Whatever the answer is, I would not be surprised. The first 8 years of my career were not my design, they just happened. Since then, I’ve been trying to make deliberate decisions to get to my milestone destination. That’s why I enjoyed having my guest, Jeff Perry on the last podcast where we talk about getting clarity.

Check out the podcast here.

Some of us are making decisions daily, including finding new jobs. The question that came up as I was talking to an experienced SE is should we be tracking job applications, or should we track when we hear back from the employer? My answer, including how we can track these leads is in this week’s video.

The 4/1/1 centers around this.


4 Random Thoughts From Me:


1- Trust your gut to make quick decisions…if your gut has experience in making them

2- There are named leaders, and there are leaders by default. These are the leaders that don’t have the title, but their colleagues view them as leaders nonetheless.

3- Why? The question we ask to understand our customers’ motivation, can also be used to understand our own.

4- Sometimes our destination is one step away, sometimes we need to take a couple of steps, forward, backward or sideways to reach out destination


1 Tool:

Focus Mode on Android, Focus on iOS to help reduce notifications and distractions so you can get the work done.

1 Quote:

“A calling will become clearer when you take the first step. You may not know where it will take you, but to start a journey, all you need to do is to find the right path.” – R.E.Johnson,


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