4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Life is Hard Enough, Make Your Customer’s Life Easier

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Wednesday


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


Hey everyone,

We’re only half a month away from putting 2020 behind us, and while we hope for many things in 2021 to be different, some things we hope to remain the same.  For example, having great guests like this week’s Gavin Hess, Founder and CEO of Consensus, to share their insights and perspectives with us all to further ourselves as SEs and professionals definitely won’t change.

Listen to Gavin’s Episode Here.

Another thing that’ll remain is being able to share some of my personal reflections from the show in the 4/1/1, just as we are again this week.


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- You’re not always your buyer’s first priority.  We’ve said this one before, but after listening to Gavin’s episode, it’s worth repeating.  Understanding what your buyers are going through will allow you to better understand how to cater to them in the selling cycle.
2- Try to do things at scale.  Gavin’s experience doing 6 demos in a row and wishing for a better solution is something that I’m sure a lot of us have been through.  We’re more productive and yet still have more demanded from us as time goes on, and the only way to get ahead of the curve and be most effective in your role is to do certain things at scale (if possible).
3- Cut the ambiguity.  When it comes to business, when thousands of dollars and potentially jobs are on the line, there is no room for ambiguity.  Stakeholders like to know exactly what they’re getting into in any situation as ambiguity can introduce risk, and no one likes risk.  Cut the ambiguity and you’ll find that you will sail in smoother seas.
4- Actively shift your perspective.  Being able to consciously put yourself in the shoes of others can allow you to not only empathize with those you’re working with or selling to, but can also open the door for you to come up with creative solutions that you hadn’t thought of earlier.


1 Tool:


Perform demos at scale with interactive video demos.  Strategically allocate valuable resources where they’re needed most while still providing prospects with the demos they need.


1 Quote:

“Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes isn’t as much about the walk or the shoes; it’s to be able to think like they think, feel what they feel, and understand why they are who and where they are. Every step is about empathy.”

Toni Sorenson



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