4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Life Is Trial Error, so Think Differently

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Wednesday


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote 

Hey everyone, this week brought on another great guest John Hodgson that changed the way that we thought about using infographics on resumes.

Listen to our show with John Here

Having new views that change the way that we think about things is always great, broadening our perspectives to allow us to be better in the future. This week’s 4/1/1 focus on this idea.

4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- Always think about the end “consumer”. We all have our own opinions about how things should be, but it may not always be in sync with what your audience wants to see.  Share the perspective of your audience and orient your offering as they’ll like to see it.
2- Defy convention. Just because it’s been done a certain way for a while, if there’s a better way to do it, then do that instead!
3- Everything is always evolving. Little is set in stone, always be open to accept the new wave if you think you’re due to change.  That can be anything from how you present your resume, to how you live your life in general, there’s always room for change!
4- Make yourself someone to be thankful for. As our American brethren celebrate Thanksgiving this coming weekend, it’s always a nice reminder to not only be thankful for everything around us, but also to strive to be someone that others are thankful to have in their lives too, if they’re thankful for you, then you’re probably doing something right.


1 Tool:


IBM Quantum Experience:

I’ll be honest, this is way above me, but I thought it was cool nonetheless.  For those that can take advantage, IBM has a website where you can leverage their quantum computers to run algorithms and experiments that you may want to run to see what’s possible in quantum computing. Have fun!


1 Quote:

“You cannot evolve unless you are willing to change.”

– Leon Brown



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