Facing new challenges means getting out of your comfort zone.
Tobi wasn’t happy with what he was doing, so he took the initiative to make himself better to do something else. Look for certifications or courses that you can take to change (or grow) your core competencies.
When you’re learning new material, it may not be presented in a way that is best suited to how you learn. As an adult, we need to take responsibility to take what’s given to us and work with it in the context of how you best can.
For example, if you’re someone that needs to take notes while taking in content, pause as you need to and take notes so you can review things in a style you’re comfortable with.
Sales Engineering is the confluence of where engineering meets sales.
As an engineer, you’re going to be learning more about the business and what makes people buy.
As a less technical person you’re going to learn more about the product and what makes it unique.
If you’re new to a role, find a mentor and shadow them. See how they do their jobs, it will give you a lot of guidance on how to succeed if you can follow the best practices of those who are successful.
Not So Fire Round:
What do you love about being an SE?
He always loves how there are new challenges to solve every day.
Always learning, always engaged.
Dynamic Role.
What would you change about your role?
The time to onboard could be shorter, there is time spent on low-value activities that can be better spent doing things that are applicable to his role.
Book/Resources/Tools Tobi would recommend:
Some podcast WA
WTSE Forum
What Separates the Great SEs from the rest?
Those that can be dynamic to a situation and say what they say with passion.
Those that are creative and can think outside of the box.
Those that are constantly improving themselves and are learning new technologies.
Those that can listen and really hear what the prospect needs.
Where can people find you?