Welcome to We The SEs and the Hotline!
First off mentoring sucks. If you join a new organization, you may be lucky enough to be assigned a mentor that loves mentoring and will be able to assist you.
More often than not, that won’t be the case. Sales Engineers who are assigned to be mentors are exactly that, SEs. Their job of to sell, assist their salespeople and assist their customers. Mentoring is not the priority.
So new hire SEs are left to fend for themselves. Experienced ones can manage, new SEs will struggle. They will especially struggle when they are asked to do a demo to their manager while not being taught how to do a proper demo. They will struggle to deal with overbearing and controlling salespeople. They will struggle learning about sales and improving since all they are trying to do is tread water.
But what if you don’t have to. What if you have someone in your corner, hired by you who you don’t have to worry about looking stupid in front of? Or tell them how you are feeling exactly without being thought off as weak or whiny?
What if there is someone who can show you exactly what sales should look like, teach you how to do a demo, ask questions, shorten the sales cycle and make more commission or bonuses?
That’s what the hotline is for.
We are here for you. We can work with you, guide you through tough times. We can help you find a Sales Engineering job, or improve in your current job. When you’re doing great, we can help you master your skills and help close more deals, increase your circle of influence and in the end make more income to support your family through getting raises, or increase your commission.
This is what our clients had to say:

You want to talk to Ramzi directly, click the button below. If you want more info, check out the videos.