Today’s show covers a wide range of topics, from the differences that can exist from one SE role to another, to some of the topics covered in his first reading of John Care’s Mastering Technical Sales – The SE Handbook.
We Discussed:
Some of the challenges of travelling for work as an SE.
How do you keep your customers (typically Sales reps) happy when you can’t always be in the office?
The type of challenges are faced when you are tied to a single sales rep vs. when you’re tied to many?
The importance of setting good expectations with your stakeholders.
The availability of “off-the-job” training and finding the time to take said training.
Bini has just started to read John Care’s Mastering Technical Sales – The SE Handbook. We discussed observations associated with the “Dash-to-Demo”, the rushing to show a prospect a demo for the sake of showing a demo.
We Explored:
Qualifying strategies to make sure your time is being spent most effectively on what matters.
The importance of “Discovery” and your opportunities to find out more (always seek to find out more).
The vast differences of how one SE goes through their role vs. another.
Good questions to ask to validate your offering mid-demo.
Open ended questions like “How can you see your organization use this?” make your prospect think about a response that can unveil other not yet seen opportunities.
As a side note, I was joined today by co-host extraordinaire Bini Kanungo, who also wrote up the show notes! Bini is another SE from the Ottawa area and you will be hearing more from him.
Some more links from the show: