4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Carving Your Own Path to an Amazing Future

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


Hey everyone, welcome to another week and another 4/1/1.

This week, we had a special show with guest Tony Moze, to talk about the journey that one can go through to become a sales engineer.  Those of you that have looked into the Path to Sales Engineering course may be familiar with the process, but there’s a lot of variability in everyone’s situation, and we explored Tony’s on the show.

Listen to Ramzi’s session with Tony here.

Tony’s background is pretty incredible in many rights.  From the jobs he’s held, the experiences he’s had, and the mindset he carries himself with.  All of which you can tell is leading to some pretty interesting things.  I don’t know if I can claim that this week’s four random thoughts will be as interesting, but the source material certainly is, so here we go:


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- Combine Your Passions.  Tony’s initiative to support new and growing authors by rapping about their books online is such a cool fusion of skills, interests, and goals.  Being able to provide value to others in something that you enjoy, in a way that’s uniquely you (and you enjoy that too), is an incredible fit to find.
2- If you want it, go for it.  This can really apply to anything, your life, career, or anything.  Just as Tony wanted to become more technical and so started to learn how to code, you too can start to take the steps to do what you want to do.
3- You’re never too old to learn new things.  Tony’s initiative and excitement to learn new things despite “the haters” saying that it’s too late, is amazing to see.  If you have a willingness to learn something, then you will learn it, one step at a time.
4- Repetition will crystalize things in your brain.  Muscle memory is a real thing.  So, develop good habits and repeat them. Over and Over.  This is what will make things habitual.  Remember though, this works both ways, so stay away from making bad habits, habits.


1 Tool:

The Sales Engineering Map

Considering how not so long ago, people didn’t even know what a Sales Engineer was, it’s pretty remarkable how popular the profession has become.  With the rise in popularity, comes a rise in complexity in managing all of the tools and resources that are geared towards SEs.

The Sales Engineering Map, created by past guest Patrick Pissang’s company, Sales Hero GmbH, brings all of the top SE resources to a single place. From communities to tools to lead to pre-sales success, check it out!


1 Quote:

“The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self.”
— The Dalai Lama


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