4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Commit, Persevere And Find A Way To Be Happy

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


I always talk about how great Sales Engineering is. It’s the best career you will ever have. That’s why people move out of this role, and many come back. Antoine Snow, my guest for this week’s podcast, is one of those people. He left and then came back because he loves it and is excelling at it. 

If you want to hear more about his story, check out the full podcast here:

Listen here

It is however not easy. It’s one of the hardest jobs to get into, and one of the hardest jobs to be great at. I would say it’s even hard to understand what the role actually is, let alone the responsibilities. For starters, we have to deal with people, many of them difficult. It could be the customer who’s difficult, the managers, or the account executive.

This week’s youtube video is all about how one individual had a dilemma with his account executive, and how he solved it. Check it out here:

Before I go to the 4/1/1, it would be remiss not to say that if you need help similar to the help I provided Samuel, check out the SE hotline at 

We The Sales Engineers

Here’s the 4/1/1

4 Random Thoughts From Me:


1- As I said, it’s not easy to get the job, and then to do well on the job. The not-so-secret secret is that if someone wants to get the job, they have to commit. That means a lot of work and time improving the skills, certifications, and network to get the job. Then, commit some more to being kick-ass SEs.


2- The only way to solve human problems is through communication. A great skill goes beyond just talking to people, but having the courage to bring up difficult subjects.


3- Know your why. The only way to get through the bad times is to know why you are going through them. What is driving you to stay in them?


4- Have something on the side that will allow you to vent. If it wasn’t for We The SEs, the community it’s created, and the fact that I could help others through the podcast, videos, or SE Hotline, my sanity would have suffered as I was slowly pushed into sales by my management team. Don’t count on the management to keep you happy, that is your responsibility.


1 Tool:

Any educational site. Could be Udemy, PluralSight, LinkedIn Learning, or any other site to keep pushing and learning. I personally use Oreilly Learning for 2 reasons.


1- I like it

2- My employer has a membership so they made it available for me to use.

1 Quote:

“Take Responsibility of your own happiness; never put it in other people’s hands” – Roy T. Bennett


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