4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Get Noticed In an Over Crowded World

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Wednesday


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote 

 Hey everyone, this week’s podcast brought on Dr. Rico to share some tips on how to optimize one’s chances to catch a recruiter’s eye with their resume and LinkedIn profile.  Check out the show here.

#128 Optimizing Your Resume in a Competitive World

A lot of thoughts come to mind after listening to the show, so this week’s 4/1/1 looks at some of them.


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- First Impressions Matter. This is super cliché, you’ve heard it before, but it’s true. Whether it be in person or via a resumé, the impression you first make on a recruiter will last for longer than it probably should. Make sure what you’re presenting to the world at a glance is something that you’re okay with people thinking about you. So, make your resumés, your profiles, and your demeanor are all as good as they can be to optimize your chances of getting the job.
2- Everyone likes to feel special. Companies are no exception to this rule, in fact, companies consist of people, and it’s these same people that ultimately have the final say in whether you move on or not. It was talked about on the show to tailor the wording in one’s resume to align with terms mentioned in the job description to get noticed by automated applicant tracking systems. Once an applicant gets past the automated system however, they reach human discretion, and wording and messaging that will resonate to that specific person at that specific company will be far more effective than something generic.
3- Less is more. Resume length was talked about during the show, and I’m guilty of being long-winded, but working to condense what you include on a resume to only what matters is a real skill and something to strive for.
4- I try to be a hold out, but in today’s world, especially in the technology space, having an online presence is extremely important. It serves as a method for companies to cross-reference already available data (whether it a resumé, a referral from a friend, or anything else) to get a better picture of who they’re dealing with. Companies hate risk, and unknown=risk. The fuller a picture you can paint of who you are and what value you can bring to a company, the more likely they will be to take you on.


1 Tool:

Grammarly: You’ve probably seen the ads online, but Grammarly really is a great way to make sure that what you’re typing sounds as good as it could, especially if you don’t have a spell-checking tool already available in the application you’re using.

1 Quote:

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
― Winston S. Churchill


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