4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Hitting Quota or Solving Problems? What Challenge Matters More?

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


Scripting takes time. Scripting takes thought. It takes skill and knowledge in aspects that Sales Engineers are not usually exposed to such as creating better copy, or scripting stories. SEs are great storytellers, but it doesn’t mean we have to write the story.

Brian Geery came back on the show to discuss how we can solve these problems.

Check out that podcast here. 

Also, Brian offers this as a service, so if you’re an SE leader looking to improve your team’s scripts, you should reach out. This is not a sponsored post. I just like what Brian does.

On the YouTube front, one aspiring SE asked me what are some red flags you look out for during an interview. I thought for a second and then the floodgates opened. 

Now here are 4 semi-random thoughts from me.

4 Random Thoughts From Me:


1- The SE’s focus should not be hitting quotas. That’s the salesperson’s job and it adds too much undo pressure on the SE.

2- SE’s focus should be on helping the customer solve problems and highlighting the value of the solution. Everything outside of that is not in the SE’s control.

3- Outsourcing is not a bad thing. If there is something we are not good at and can get someone to help us quicker, then it should be an option to look at. 

4- The level of preparation shows the level of care. Whether it is to meet a customer, a hiring manager, or anyone else in life. 

1 Tool:

Last week I mentioned Huntr.co. A fellow reader reached out and let me know that he used a similar tool called TealHQ and it has helped him in his job hunt.

1 Quote:

“Trust is earned when actions meet words.” – Chris Butler


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