4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Leverage Your Perspective

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Wednesday


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote


Hey everyone, just as consistent as another monolith popping up around the world, here’s another weekly 4/1/1.

This week’s podcast guest, Jon Scott, Founder and CEO of ScopeStack.io, shared a lot on the show about how he was inspired to start his own company and some of pieces that fell into place in order to drive its success.

Listen to Our Show with Jon Here.

Hearing from CEOs and Founders always gets the brain whirring, and as such, this week’s 4/1/1 centers around some of the ideas discussed on the show.


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- The right people will make you better.  Finding the right people to work with and having the right people to look up to can make or break an idea or business, if you have a great team that compliments your skillset and pushes you to be better, then you’re on the right path.
2- If you think there’s a better way, there probably is.  Jon’s inspiration for ScopeStack.io had a lot to do with being frustrated with the status quo.  If you think you can disrupt the norm to make things better, then do it!
3- Your perspective is unique, leverage it.  There are so many experiences that have shaped you to who you are today.  Leverage your unique experience to start or support something that you’ve always wanted to and share your uniqueness with the world.
4- Go outside.  As it gets colder (at least for us in the Northern Hemisphere), the temptation to stay inside grows.  But when stuck inside all day, our moods and levels of creativity can stagnate and decline.  Take a few minutes to go outside, breath some fresh air, and get your creative juices flowing to inspire you to be your best.


1 Tool:


ScopeStack can help streamline your business’ processes around Statement of Work and Quote generation by centralizing data and automating workflows.  It was born from pains in this area and so if your processes around these areas can improve, check out ScopeStack.

1 Quote:

“Don’t discount yourself, no matter what you’re doing. Everyone has a unique perspective that they can bring to the world.”

Mark Zuckerberg


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