4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Locus of Control

By Bini Kanungo

4/1/1 Wednesday

4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote

This week’s podcast was the second in our CEO series where we had the CEO and Co-Founder of Demoflow, a great platform for presenting engaging and unified presentations – and is loved by a great friend of the show, Chris White.
Listen to our conversation with Larson here:

Taking the lead of this week’s guest, Larson Stair, this week’s 4/1/1 looks at entrepreneurship and the mindset required to be your best to do big things.


4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- If you think something can be better, you’re probably right.  We haven’t hit the pinnacle of every aspect of life yet, so if there’s a process or a situation that you think can be better, it probably can be.  If you have ideas to make things better, then put those ideas into action! 
2- There’s a concept called one’s “locus of control” that describes how strongly people believe they have control over the situations and experiences that affect their lives.  People with a high locus of control believe they have control over what happens around them, and those with a low locus of control believe that they are on the ride of life, making the best of it as it comes.  I don’t believe there’s a definitive answer to who’s better or worse here, but it is important to remember that both types of people exist, and we’re all pretty adaptable, so if you have a low locus of control and wish you could change things, you probably can. 
3- There’s always support of some sort for you out there.  Embarking on any type of venture can present a whole bunch of challenges.  Thankfully, there’s always some type of support available to help you achieve your goals.  Whether they be friends, incubators, free-courses, books, or anything that can help you move forward, always look for resources that can help because they’re out there. 
4- Be your best.  This is cheesy, but it takes something special to achieve big things, but we at our best always have the potential to achieve what we need to.  You don’t have to be your best all of the time, but always remember that you have it in you for when you need to be. 


1 Tool:

With the CEO and co-founder as a guest on this week’s show, we would be remiss to not include their tool here.  Use Demoflow to deliver engaging demos that deliver value effectively and easily. 

1 Quote:

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” 

–Duke Ellington

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