4/1/1: 4 Random Thoughts from me, 1 tools to help Sales Engineers, 1 quote for motivation

4/1/1 Observing Great Leaders to Learn about Effective Leadership

By Ramzi Marjaba

4/1/1 Weekly


4 Random Thoughts, 1 Tool, and 1 Quote

Hope you’re all staying well and cool! Spring is well underway and Summer is getting primed to get started. With the weather so nice, and vaccines getting rolled out, it’s starting to feel like we’re just about to get reborn again as we can safely leave our respective lockdowns. Not too dissimilar to something this week’s guest, Gary Sloper, Co-Founder of Macronet Services, did not long before his last appearance on the show (show 115)

Listen to our most recent interview with Gary here.

Gary has had an illustrious career so far and continues to forge a very interesting path. His experiences and insights to not only how organizations function, but also how he functions, has allowed him to really find something that fits him really well and be successful doing so. This week’s 4/1/1 takes from a number of the ideas talked about in the show, as it always does.

4 Random Thoughts From Me:

1- Having integrity. There are so many things about Gary that make him a great leader. One of those traits is the integrity he holds towards his mission to his customers. He’s willing to get uncomfortable if it means he’s truly helping clients because of his dedication to his craft.
2- Leading by example. A classic trait of a great leader. Nothing gets the troops going like seeing their leader in the trenches with them. Beyond that, being able to be the change you want to see is often something that other people needed to see to change as well.
3- Knowing your limits. Being able to effectively meet the goal of helping your customers also comes with knowing what may prevent your ability to meet this goal, especially if that’s you. Biting off more than you can chew is something that while has good intentions, hardly ever turns out well.
4- Finding what you’re good at, and making a career out of it. Once you’ve been around the block a bit, you can start to get a feel for what you like and don’t like. Once you’ve found that role that fits you like a glove.


1 Tool:

The biggest hurdle to getting work done these days is interruptions. That’s why I’m enjoying the Pomodoro technique. It’s about setting 25 minutes of focused work, then break for 5 and repeat. This means we can sit for 25 minutes straight and not worry about interruptions,  then in the 5-minute break, we can answer slack messages or emails. If we can get into a zone, just keep going. The link above is a chrome that you can use for that purpose. 

1 Quote:

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.”

– George Lucas


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