In this episode of We the Sales Engineers podcast, Donald and I discuss why side hustles are important and how anyone could start a side hustle the right way.
Donald Kelly is the Founder and Chief Sales Evangelist of the company The Sales Evangelist, an out
Key Takeaways:
- Donald’s story of growing up in Jamaica
- How to program your brain to notice entrepreneurial opportunities around you
- Why bother to hustle if you are in a first-world country
- What we can learn from what happened to the actor Jamie Foxx
- Why the idea that your side hustle will cost you your job is ridiculous
- How Donald scheduled his day to work on his side hustle
- How to keep a side hustle while working a job ethically
- The importance of working in a company that is more open to your entrepreneurial desires
- How Donald found opportunities through his side hustle
- How to identify what side hustles to pursue
- Will turning your passion into a side hustle destroy it?
- How sales could change lives
I didn’t know how, I didn’t know when, but I knew that I was going to be an entrepreneur. — Donald Kelly
In the world that we’re in right now, the opportunities are there. But also, you can’t just expect the company to give you your parachute. I want to have my own parachute as well. — Donald Kelly
In sales, the house always wins… Why work hard for somebody else when I could also do some of that stuff on my own? — Donald Kelly
I want people who are working for me to give me their all in the time that they’re working for me. And I expect that. However, I do let them know, “I don’t expect you to work for me forever. And if you do have a side hustle or something you want to do, you do that.” — Donald Kelly
If you have that bug, if you have the passion, if you have a desire for entrepreneurship, or doing a side hustle… you’re not going to quench that easily, and then just like sit back and just work for somebody for the rest of your life. You’re going to want to do something. You’re going to want to push through. — Donald Kelly
The best side hustles come as a natural byproduct of things that you enjoy. — Donald Kelly
If you start a side hustle, even if you hate it, and you stop, I don’t think it’s a failure. I think you just learned a lot. — Ramzi Marjaba
If you work with another human being, you’re in sales. — Ramzi Marjaba
I see a lot of people who do that where they’re waiting for their retirement to enjoy life. And the question I have is, what can you do today to build your life so that you don’t have to wait? — Ramzi Marjaba