#107 Fighting for the Discovery Call

What do you do if you are being left out important pieces of the sales process? You fight to be a part of it. If you don't ask to be a part of something, you will never be included. That's what Kirk did. He fought to be part of the discovery process. We will discuss how and why. We will also discuss how that helped him and his organization.

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#104 A New Challenge Every Day

Facing new challenges can be scary, but if you know you want to face it, then face it, and you’ll be better for it. Today’s show has a relatively new SE, Tobias Metz from Cisco Systems, shares his views on what SEing was before he started vs. now and shares quite a bit about what he has learned coming from a more process oriented side of the business to where he is now.

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#100 Cast A Big Shadow!

The Centennial Show. Show 100. This one is a special one, bringing together three behemoths in Sales Engineering leadership to speak about Sales Engineering as it is, where it came from, where it’s going, how it's valuable and how to be better at it. Chris White, Greg Holmes and John Care share their insights in this show you do not want to miss.

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#99 The Importance of Discovery

In order to deliver the best demo, the best presentation, the best value to any customer/prospect, you have to know what they want. The way to find out what they want is through a process called Discovery. Today’s show welcomes back Chris White, author, leader, consultant and coach, to explain his views on discovery: what it is, how to do it well, and why it’s important. There’s something for everyone in this show no matter your experience level. Enjoy!

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#96 Inch Deep, Mile Wide: A Generalist’s Story!

Bryan Young is an experienced SE who works for Cisco, one of the largest technology conglomerates in the world. Today we cover some of the unique perspectives of an SE who has to know so much about a constantly changing technology stack. We also discuss the dynamic between SE Generalists and Specialists, the importance of understanding the human side of selling, social selling, and a number of other topics.

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