#154 Sales Engineering: Where Business and Technology Live in Harmony

Jose Espinoza has spent the last 15 years helping organizations of all sizes resolve their business challenges by improving their business processes. Currently, he is a Solution Architect at Loftware, the global market leader in Enterprise Labeling and Artwork Management solutions.

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#151 Working Together Through The Middle of the Funnel

Chris White is an accomplished author, trainer, coach, teacher, and Sales Engineering leader. he’s joining us once again to share with us what he’s learned over the past years training salespeople and SEs alike and how both roles can work best together to improve the middle of the funnel

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#147 An Outsider’s View Of the Amazing Sales Engineering World

In this episode, we talk about Matt’s history, how he started as a Salesperson and worked with “unofficial” Sales Engineers. We learn about the Sale and Sales Engineer’s culture and relationships, how things have changed. We also learn what Matt has found about the Sales Engineering community

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“#143 Developing A Sales Organization From Thin Air”

Steve Benson shares with us what it's like to lead remote sales teams, why he chose to merge CSA and SE roles in his company, the challenges of training and coaching remote salespeople, and what companies can do to enable their remote salespeople to perform better.

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