#283 Changing the Solution Engineer Role to the Requirements of the Customers

Mohamed Barkhad today, a Customer Engineer at Google Cloud who has been a Sales Engineer for close to 10 years. We discuss how he shifted between roles and customers, how he shifted industries as well, and how he learned to have tough conversations.

Continue Reading#283 Changing the Solution Engineer Role to the Requirements of the Customers

#275 The Small Steps Needed To Become a Solution Engineer

In this episode, we have Jonathan Davis, a Senior Solutions Engineer at Snyk. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of independent learning in technology. He shares his journey from an unrelated field to sales engineering, highlighting the significance of soft skills, understanding competitors, and building customer relationships. The key to success as an SE lies in mastering valuable skills, focusing on business outcomes, and continuous deliberate practice. Becoming an expert on customers' problems is the key differentiator in sales engineering.

Continue Reading#275 The Small Steps Needed To Become a Solution Engineer