#82 Sales Engineering Enablement – The SE Toolkit

The Sales Engineer is not an island. Contrary to popular belief, we need a lot of people behind us to be successful. From Product Managers to support engineers, we cannot do it alone. If we are lucky, we have someone like Marjorie working to make sure we have everything we need to be successful.

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#80 Internship Connections Can Lead to Jobs

University is a good place to start preparing for someone’s career. The best way to do that is through co-op or internships. That was a major part of the discussion with Binayak Kanungo, aka Bini. We discuss how being an intern secured him a job as a Sales Engineer after he graduated, and what he loves about Sales Engineering.

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#78 From India to the US- Becoming a Sales Engineer

As a fresh new SE, Pravin still remembers vividly the reasons he wanted to become an SE, and the process he went through to become one. He was rejected multiple times, but every time he used the feedback he received to improve in his interviews and as a Sales Engineer before he ever became one.

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