#78 From India to the US- Becoming a Sales Engineer

As a fresh new SE, Pravin still remembers vividly the reasons he wanted to become an SE, and the process he went through to become one. He was rejected multiple times, but every time he used the feedback he received to improve in his interviews and as a Sales Engineer before he ever became one.

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Negotiating a Salary through Email

Negotiating a Salary is a life-altering process that can either set you up right for the next few years or keep you underpaid for the next few years. So why would you do that by email? Here we discuss the reasons you should not negotiate a Salary by email, and what are the preferred methods of negotiating a salary.

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#71 Transferable Skills, from Business Owner to Sales Engineer

Sales Engineering encompasses so many different facets of a business. We have to know technology, be able to explain that to customers in an engaging fashion, work closely with people who may or may not have the same goals as us, and work in a world where the job is constantly changing.

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